Sunday, February 17, 2008

Twenty-two going on twelve

Today I was regaled with the news that another one of my friends has become engaged. Being the self-absorbed piece of crap that I can be on a frequent basis, I turned this situation into a "woe-is-me" story, rather than being a decent human being and friend and feeling happy for my friend who has found...umm...happiness. I don't feel like using a thesaurus right now.

Instead, I started to count how many of my friends are engaged or married. I was actually kind of shocked by the number; I definitely wasn't expecting as many. Then I thought about how many of my friends are in relationships. Then I realized it's my day off work and that keeping my brain workload to a minimum might not be a half bad idea. I decided to count my single friends. Out of the three groups, my single friends (and I'm counting people I talk to semi-frequently) are the only group in the single digits. When, oh Alpha and Omega, did that happen?

It's no big secret that I've been checking the "single" box for a few years now. This is partly of my own doing; I place a high value on independence and self-sufficiency. However, as I age ever so gracefully, I realize this pattern is not the most socially accepted as you add on more candles on the birthday cake. Seeing as how I have less than a quarter of a century of birthday candles on my cake, I don't think there should be a all.

Maybe I don't really have anything to worry about. I think sometimes I get a little frustrated thinking that if my friends and I were playing the game of Life (TM) that I would be losing by quite a bit. I'm a pretty competitive person so you can only imagine my outrage at this absurd situation.

Bat-shit crazy grandma doesn't like it when I joke about becoming an old maid, especially while my seventeen-year old cousin brings her boyfriend over before Christmas dinner to meet the family. My mom, the ever-endearing fountain of cliche, says that loves comes when you least expect it. She also told me once that love is awesome and that if I were a lesbian she'd be okay with that. Thanks Mom, but I don't think switching teams is going to help my batting average.

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